About Our Volunteer  Trainers*

Kerry Zuest, Master Farrier, Northern  Arizona

Kerry Founded Farrier Trainers America in December 2022 and currently serves as Board President, CEO and Trainer at Farrier Trainers America. She earned her Journeyman credential in Washington State in 1992 and has been an avid competitor, competition judge and clinician in the United States and Ireland. She served as a board member of WSFA for 9 years. Served a year on the (AFA) equine research committee. Served as (AFA) certification committee chairman for the West Coast while teaching Pre- certification clinics across the country. She has published several shoeing related articles. She has worked with veterinarians, trainers and horse owners on many lameness cases and procedures. She has trained, coached and mentored over 100 students including foreign exchange students . Kerry competed at Calgary Stampede world championship competition, Alberta Canada on several occasions and was on two separate draft shoeing teams. She is an avid horse rider and trainer and has been around horses since she was a young girl living in England. She is an accomplished Blacksmith and an award winning Hand Forged Metal Artist. Kerry was born in Queensland, Australia and lived for many years in the UK and has been in the US since 1980.

See more trainer profiles on the following sub pages.

* If you are a member of FTA and interested in volunteering to be a Trainer at FTA pls contact either Kerry Zuest at 520-336-7810 wellshodhorse@gmail.com or Dan Bradley at 805-441-9351 shadowfax1@aol.com