Our By Laws

Farrier Trainers America By Laws (updated 1-20-2023)

Founded 12-19-22

AZ ACC corp (non-profit)  file #23461164 approved 1-18-23

TAX ID / EIN / AZ TIN 92-1814794 

Chapter 1 General Information

Name: Farrier Trainers America (also referred to as FTA in this document)

Location: Incorporated in the State of Arizona through the Arizona Corporations Commission. Principal office and mailing address is 84 Espee Rd Williams AZ 86046 

Founder, CEO, Principal, Statutory and Registered Agent: Kerry V Zuest ph 520 336-7810  wellshodhorse@gmail.com

Non Paid Executive Director / Secretary-Treasurer and Principal: Bruce Zuest ph 480 625-5742 brucezuest@gmail.com

Current Board of Directors:

Kerry V Zuest CEO 

Dan Bradley, Vice President and Senior Member of the Board

Andy McConnell, Board Member

Yasha Aharon, Board Member

Bruce Zuest, Board Member

A quorum of 3 out of 5 is currently required to carry motions brought to the FTA Board. Additional members added to the board will require a 2/3 majority vote in favor or passage to add or change a by law. 

Chapter 2  FTA Founding and Guiding Principles

Company History: 

FTA was founded as a Non Profit Private Operating Foundation and Consortium under the provisions of the Arizona Corporations Commission and United States Internal Revenue Service Tax Codes. We were formed as a group of Volunteer Equine Science Professional Farriers, Veterinarians,  Researchers, Scholars, Authors and Enthusiasts dedicated to the welfare of the Horse and other Equines through the betterment and education of Farriers seeking assistance in achieving their goals within Farrier Science Applications and Entrepreneurial Business Management in the Farrier and Equine Industry. We never charge Tuition for our services and will abide by our FTA Purpose, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics as long as we are members of the FTA. Membership is free and members can join as volunteer trainers or mentors or as  farrier students or as interested intern students interested in becoming a farrier or apprentice to a professional farrier. We are a customized alternative for those not wishing to attend a vocational school that charges tuition and other fees that usually requires a local or on - campus domicile for an extensive period of daily time in the class room and performing practical application of Farriery. 

Our Mission:

We are a like minded group of active, highly skilled and experienced  Equine professionals (Master Farriers, Veterinarians, Anatomists, Toolmakers, Authors, Scholars) and enthusiasts (Horse owners and riders) dedicated to helping those in the Farrier/ Horseshoeing industry succeed by providing free of charge training to those who seek next level help to reach their goals. 

Our Vision: To Help Others Striving to improve their Skills

We only ask those we are helping to cover the cost of their steel/shoe supplies and propane / forge coke as needed.  We have years of experience teaching farriery, forging, shoe making and modifications, training apprentices, horse anatomy, movement and general equine knowledge above the basic level. We can also provide information on request on horse handling skills, working with veterinarians and other equine industry professionals for the good of the horse. We are currently based out of Arizona but we have Volunteer Master Farrier Trainers in many other states willing to help. We volunteer our time to help others reach their goals in the Horseshoeing industry. Acceptance or guaranteed membership in this group is not guaranteed to anyone. We do not discriminate against anyone for any reason based on  the US EEOC laws (Title VII and Title II) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. FTA does not discriminate against someone for help or membership because or that person’s race, color, religion, sex, (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. 

You must be in (or studying) the Farrier or Equine Industry or looking to learn more as an intern about the Farrier/ Horseshoeing Industry. You must have an honest and true passion for the welfare of the horse first, a passion for betterment of self and others and always strive to give more than you take. We expect all members, trainers, students and potential intern students to abide by our Non Profit IRS Code Exemption requirements and all FTA corporate By Laws (to include our Code of Ethics, Values, Mission, and Vision. 

Our Code of Ethics:

All members, trainers, students, interns  and associates of FTA will conduct themselves and communicate to others  in the best interest of the company / non profit private  operating foundation/ consortium (FTA) and will adhere to the highest standards of conduct while displaying and living our mission, purpose and values for the betterment of FTA and its’ members and the welfare of the horse and all equines under our care. Any member found by the board of directors found to be disreputable, exhibit unprofessional behavior, non compliance with FTA By Laws or regulatory government codes tax or business codes or willfully neglecting animal welfare,  fraud, discredit, defamation or other harm to the FTA or its’ members will be terminated from the membership and removed from FTA Internet and Social Media Discussion Groups.   

Our Whistle Blower Policy:

Anyone with a grievance, concern or issue with any misconduct or wrong-doing that is suspected by you or another in violation of our FTA By Laws or IRS tax codes / Non Profit Status is welcome to contact one of the following persons:

Dan Bradley, VP & Senior Member, Board of Directors, FTA email: shadowfax1@aol.com ph: 805 441-9351

Kerry Zuest, CEO FTA, email: wellshodhorse@gmail.com ph: 520 336-7810

Your information will be kept confidential while a report is taken and an investigation into the alleged misconduct is conducted and appropriate action as needed is taken. You WILL be given timely feedback and a summary of action taken by Kerry  Zuest, CEO FTA.  

Our Values:

Passion- Horse comes first! Show drive, determination and motivation at all times while conducting your business, teaching, coaching, demonstrating or learning! If running a business you will give 100% effort to your customers and their horses. Rebound and learn from challenges.

Integrity- Doing the right thing for the horse! Demonstrate by doing what it means to be a true professional of the trade. Maintain ethical conduct above reproach with Equine Veterinarians, Trainers, Owners and all whom we do business with. Do the very best job you can at all times. Be dependable. No shortcuts.

Humility- No one has all the answers. Check your ego- recognize when to ask others for their opinion. Don’t risk your safety or that of the horse or others at any time. Provide the best service and advice from other professionals on a challenge. Proceed with caution with first time difficulties.

Knowledge- Grasp the basics - step by step. Create a good foundation to proceed from. Always be increasing your knowledge by reading and discussing farrier science. Create a plan of success for your clients and their horses- all else will follow.  

Understand the Why-Working with horses is a calling. It is profound. For some of us it is God driven. It is because it is meant to be. Pulling together this talented group of people who honestly and deeply desire to give back unconditionally to others for all that they have been given is the noblest of reasons, their love of horses is indisputable. It is to honor those that have gone before, many legendary names, too many to mention, who gave without taking before us.  Because it is the right thing to do. The skills we have are not ours to keep. They are meant to be given freely to the next generation... and that is the why! 

Conflict of Interest Policy:

No Principal, Officer, Director, Board Member, Trainer, Student or Intern Student or any other such person associated directly to or for FTA may enrich themselves through monetary fees, barter etc while conducting volunteer work within the FTA. We do not charge tuition fees. We are allowed to receive charitable donations of a limited nature from the student to cover the cost  of steel / shoes / pads etc and propane, forge coke etc. 

Trainer-Student Donation Policy:

Member students/ intern students  are encouraged to purchase their own books, study guides, templates, anatomy charts, equipment, tools, keg shoes, barstock, propane and forge coke supplies from outside industry suppliers for their use while a member/student  of FTA. Volunteer trainers may at their own discretion donate (but not sell)  study materials, used tools, shoes, etc to the student as they see fit. These transactions must be documented, signed and dated by both trainer and student and FTA Executive Director notified of such a transaction for financial record keeping.     

Chapter 3  Finances

The CEO, Board of Directors and the Executive Director (also acting as Treasurer) are responsible for management of finances and filing the annual report to the State of Arizona Corporations Commission annually on Dec 19th. The CEO and Executive Director / Treasurer are responsible for filing IRS Form 990 each year. A quorum of the Board of Directors must approve all expenditures by the FTA or one if its designated members above the amount of $500 dollars. This limit may be raised by a special quorum vote of the board as needed. The Executive Director / Treasurer shall keep all ledger books, expense and trip reports, receipts, other related records relating to donations, grants and fundraising events. FTA uses the calendar year as its fiscal year so the end of fiscal year is Dec 31st. Financial update shall be one of the agenda items at each Board of Directors meetings to be held quarterly and at the annual membership meeting held in early December. 

Chapter 4 Board of Directors

Any member in good standing can request to serve as a board member with the approval of the CEO.  We do not currently hold elections at FTA and board members are expected to volunteer their time at board meetings and conference calls regularly throughout the calendar (fiscal) year as scheduled by the FTA Leadership. Inactivity and lack of participation in multiple FTA Board meetings or failure to provide input or feedback regularly on important issues within FTA is cause to be removed as a member of the board. 

Chapter 5 Annual Meeting of the Membership 

FTA Board and CEO are planning a conference call annually in the first week in December (details, date and time to be announced on this web site and our Facebook page)  for those who are interested. Agenda and discussion items will be sent out by November 30th. Recommendations and discussion / decision needed input for the meeting is required from all members to the CEO or Executive Director no later than October 15th please.  

Chapter 6 Dissolution Clause

Unless FTA is later reformed as a for profit corporation or vocational horseshoeing school  in Arizona under the Arizona Corporations Commission and the US IRS Tax Code and files for revocation or negation of its’ non profit status then the following direction regarding dissolution shall apply:

If and when the complete dissolution of the corporation occurs, all physical assets and any financial balance shall be distributed to the Coconino County Community College Foundation. They are an eligible 501(c) (3) involved with donations and Grants from other 501(c) (3) foundations. They help the College with workforce training and continuing education, vocational and skilled trades pathways.  Contact info:    Coconino Community College 2800  S Lone Tree Rd Flagstaff AZ 86005 coconino.edu 800-350-7122