Dan Bradley

Dan Bradley, Master Farrier, Master Toolmaker, Jefferson, Texas

Dan currently serves as the Vice President and Chairman / Senior Member, Board of Directors and Trainer at Farrier Trainers America. Dan's career path includes achieving his AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier (CJF) status in 1985, Board of Directors for the Western States Farrier Association, Member AFA Research Committee and served four terms as President of the Farrier Industry Association. Dan was elected to the International Horseshoers- Veterinarians Hall of Fame and is a Member of the AFA's Anvil 21 Club. Dan served as the company representative for GE Forge & Tool for 28 years. Dan is known for being generous with his time, knowledge and skills. He has been a highly respected clinician and educator for the majority of his long career.  He has been a contributing author on two volumes of works by Dr Simon Curtis. Dan has been a key participant at conventions, Hoof Care Summits, University events, Farrier Associations and Retailers Clinics. Known to some of us as "The Aluminum King".  

See more trainers on the following sub pages*.

* If you are a member of FTA and interested in volunteering to be a Trainer at FTA pls contact either Kerry Zuest (AZ) at 520-336-7810 wellshodhorse@gmail.com or Dan Bradley (TX) at 805-441-9351 shadowfax1@aol.com